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Thursday, February 02, 2006


Videos from India - Part III - Mysore and B'lore

1. Mysore, a quiet, clean and highly historical town close to Bangalore. This is outside the Mysore Palace, which, IMHO, rivals Versailles in its grandeur and opulence. Unfortunately, there were no pictures or videos allowed inside, and my camera was too big to sneak in.

2. A gourmet coffee store at a large shopping mall in Bangalore, India's most modern city in terms of amenities. For many of you, it might seem absolutely quaint why I've been taping scenes in shopping malls, however, one must remember that the concept of US-style malls, food courts , multiplexes are really new in India, and have only recently exploded. This coffee shop ground beans from different parts of the world and allowed you to taste samples.

3. The food court in the shopping mall at Koramangala, one of Bangalore's most upscale areas, complete with a Subway (which serves great paneer spicy sandwiches, btw).

4. Grameen, a top veggie restaurant in Bangalore, with a huge waiting time. This is part of another mall in the same area.

5. Another general scene in the shopping mall. These kinds of malls are now abundant in most Indian cities, and always packed with shoppers, who are young, working in the Software/Service industry and want the latest and best in fashions. This mall even had an Apple store :) There's a multiplex on the top floor showing the latest English, Hindi, Kannada and Tamil movies.

6. A scene while having a coffee with my cousin Ari at Café Coffee Day, one of two major Starbucks-like chains that have sprung up in major Indian cities (the other is called Barista). They are considered cool (always air-conditioned) places to hang out, even though a cup of coffee/tea can cost about 20 times as much as a street stall next door.

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